by TL Admin
by TL Admin
Welcome to the new Thinkers Lodge Blog. This is the place to go to find out what’s happening at Thinkers Lodge in Pugwash, Nova Scotia. We will preview upcoming programs, provide updates on recently completed programs and write about the history of Thinkers Lodge. We will also report on recent news and events relating to world wide efforts to promote peace.
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HarbourFest Annual General Meeting – October 25, 2018
Thinkers Lodge and The Centre for Local Prosperity present Climate Change Retreat #3: Climate Change Youth Retreat MEDIA ADVISORY – Issued June 27, 2019: Climate emergency brings youth leaders to Pugwash: Public address by regional youth and ceremonial tree planting Pugwash, Nova Scotia: On Sunday, July 28th at 12:00 noon, youth from across Atlantic Canada
“Let’s Write a Memoir,” a workshop with Marjorie Simmins