Thinkers Lodge and The Centre for Local Prosperity present Climate Change Retreat #3: Climate Change Youth Retreat MEDIA ADVISORY – Issued June 27, 2019: Climate emergency brings youth leaders to Pugwash: Public address by regional youth and ceremonial tree planting Pugwash, Nova Scotia: On Sunday, July 28th at 12:00 noon, youth from across Atlantic Canada
Art Jam! 2018 feels like a lovely dream but it was just a week ago! Here are some photos from the weekend which will remain one our our fondest memories since the Writing on Fire programs started 6 years ago. Thanks to the outstanding and generous mentors, Catherine Bussiere for filmmaking and El Jones for
October 16-18, 2015 Writing on Fire. Writing retreat for youth at Thinkers Lodge. CBC Article.
There are a number of new videos now available about Peace events at Thinkers Lodge in 2013. Check them out by clicking on the links below: Saint Mary’s University Summer Peace Institute – Pugwash, NS 2013 Peace and Compassion 2013 Thinkers Lodge (MSVU) Voice of Women PeacemakerHers Camp – August 2013